Rennsteig is a leading US and German producer of high quality hand tools, Rennsteig Werkzeuge (www.rennsteig.com) designs and manufactures state of the art crimping, cutting, and stripping tools. The company follows a long tradition of specialty hand tool development and manufacturing which enables it to craft exceptionally dynamic hand tools.
In January 2006, Rennsteig Werkzeuge established Rennsteig Tools Inc. with headquarters in Hudson, Ohio to better serve the North American market (including Canada and Mexico). From this location, the company provides precision tools that conform to USCAR 21 and otherl North American specifications. Rennsteig Tools Inc. supplies distributors, dealers, OEMs, secondary suppliers and individuals across various industries.
See here for Rennsteig Solar Tools: http://www.rennsteig.us/products-overview/solar-tools.html