Category Archives: Product News

Video – Saving on Solar

Using solar power whether on a residential, commercial, industrial, or utility-scale can become costly as startup costs, equipment, and upkeep have a fairly hefty price tag. At OneMonroe, we offer DC wiring harnesses that are custom made that can cut …


The petrochemical industry is a cornerstone of modern society, converting crude oil and natural gas into a myriad of products, from fuels to plastics. These compounds are the building blocks for countless consumer goods and play a significant role in …

Wires and Cables for Ski Resorts

Wires and cables, though inconspicuous, are indispensable elements that drive the smooth functioning of ski resorts. They facilitate the transportation of skiers uphill, enable effective communication, and support safety systems, all of which contribute significantly to enriching the skiing experience. …

Wires and Cables for Wind Power

Wind power, one of the pillars of sustainable energy, has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity, converting gusts of wind into usable electricity. Integral to this transformative process are wires and cables. …

Wires and Cables for Geothermal Applications

Harnessing the earth’s energy to produce heat and power is no simple feat. This dynamic process, known as geothermal energy production, leans heavily on the technological prowess of modern equipment. Central to this equipment is a seemingly humble component: wires …

Wires vs Cables

Wires and cables form the backbone of our electrical and telecommunication infrastructures, allowing us to power our homes and connect with the world. While often used interchangeably, these terms have distinct meanings. A wire is a single conductor, typically made …

Shop HellermannTyton Products on Titan WNC

At OneMonroe, we proudly distribute HellermannTyton products and make them readily available for you on our OneMonroe Titan website. As a UK-based enterprise with subsidiaries in 37 nations, HellermannTyton specializes in the production and provision of solutions for securing, affixing, …

Different Types of Grounding Wire

Grounding wire is a critical component in electrical systems. This wire serves a pivotal role by providing a direct pathway for electrical energy to travel into the earth in the event of a short circuit. By creating a reliable outlet …

What are Wiley WEEB Washers

Wiley WEEB Washers are unique yet fundamental components within the solar industry. Their primary function as electrical grounding elements has resulted in their increasing necessity in solar panel installations. The term WEEB, an abbreviation for “Washer, Electrical Equipment Bonding,” offers …